First Name
Last Name
Best contact email address
Best phone number
Do you live in or around/within travelling distance of Glasgow?
To get full benefit from the programme, I recommend that you live locally/within travelling distance of Glasgow. One, to allow in person meeting for most, if not all, sessions, allowing tasting and dems as part of our sessions. And, secondly, to take full advantage of the local-specific content (the local food shopping session, recommended brands and products).
Yes, I live in the west end of Glasgow and am able to meet in person.
Yes, I live in the south side of Glasgow and am able to meet in person.
Yes, I live in the north of Glasgow and am able to meet in person.
Yes, I live in another area of Glasgow and am able to meet in person.
Yes, I live close enough to Glasgow for us to meet in person.
No, I live too far away to meet in person.
What is your home postcode?
What age are you?
What level of support are you looking for?
I want to optimise my entire diet in order to optimise my overall health and wellbeing
I want advice about a specific aspect of my diet only
I want to adopt an anti-inflammatory diet
What is your budget?
Less than £1000
1) What do you most want to get out of working with me?
Please tick ALL that apply.
Please note, these are the areas I CAN help with. If you're looking to address other concerns, it's unlikely I'm the right nutrition expert for you.
I want to feel my best.
I want to look my best.
I want to improve my performance in life (in my work, studies, sport, etc).
I want to lose weight and/or improve my body composition.
I want to improve my blood sugar levels.
I want to improve my cholesterol levels.
I want to improve my blood pressure.
I want to lose weight around my middle.
I want to improve my gut health.
I want to adopt a low-GI diet.
I want to adopt an anti-inflammatory diet.
I want to adopt a ketogenic diet.
I want to adopt a sugar-free diet.
I want to improve my cognitive function (e.g. concentration, focus, memory).
I want to improve my mental health and wellbeing.
I want to improve my general health and wellbeing.
I want to develop a healthier relationship with food.
2) Please tell me in 2-3 sentences what specific dietary/health concerns you’d like me to help you with.
Aim for 30 words minimum.
3) What have you tried up until now to make progress towards your goals?
4) And what, specifically, has stopped you from reaching your goals up until now?
Aim for as much detail as possible. Tell me what you struggle with, e.g. lack of time, knowledge, cooking skills, motivation, support.
How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
5) Food plays a big part in my life.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
6) I really enjoy cooking.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
7) I rely heavily on convenience products to make cooking quick/simple (e.g. ready to cook, meal kits, prepared vegetables, etc).
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
8) I enjoy trying new foods (e.g. from other cultures, chef creations, etc).
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
9) I tend to go for premium rather than standard goods/services.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
10) Where do you buy most of your food shopping?
Please give supermarket and/or shop names, listing as many as you wish.
11) On average, how often do you shop for food?
4-6 times per week
2-3 times per week
Once a week
Once a fortnight
12) When you buy fresh fruit and veg, is it mainly grown in:
Imported from abroad
I'm not sure
13) On average, how often do you cook meals from scratch?
I cook all my meals from scratch
Twice per day
Once per day
3-6 times per week
1-2 times per week
Less than once per week
14) On average, how much time do you spend on food preparation and cooking?
1 hour or more per day
30-60 minutes per day
20-30 minutes per day
10-20 minutes per day
5-10 minutes per day
<5 minutes per day
15) Do you ever cook as a way to relax, switch off, be mindful, and/or have fun?
More than once per week
Once per week
Once or twice a month
Less than once a month
17) Would your friends describe you as being in the 'live to eat' or 'eat to live' camp?
Live to eat
Eat to live
18) Over the next week, how likely is it that you’d be able to spend a total of 7.5-8.5 hours on your diet?
On food shopping; cooking; reading recipes, meal plans/suggestions, and healthy eating articles/educational materials/resources.
Very unlikely
Very likely
19) How often are you available for appointments on a Friday between the hours of 10am and 4pm?
My clinic day is a Friday. To allow me adequate time to study your case and prepare materials for our sessions, I do like to stick to Friday appointments wherever possible. However, I can flex from time to time if some Fridays aren’t suitable for you.
Any Friday works for me
Fridays don't work for me
20) What are your biggest motivations for wanting to work with me in particular?
Please tick ALL that apply.
Your qualifications in nutrition.
Your extensive experience in nutrition.
Your experience as a Le Cordon Bleu chef.
Your emphasis on eating seasonally, locally, and sustainably.
Your emphasis on eating for mental wellbeing as well as physical health; for body and mind.
Your emphasis on enjoyment of food – Eating for Wellbeing & Joy™.
The fact that you clearly love your food.
The results you've helped previous clients achieve.
Your personal experience of improving your own health/managing ME/CFS through diet.
Your programme looks perfect for me.
None of the above, I just want results!
If we're a good match, how would you like to pay?
I'll pay upfront, all at once.
I'd like to split the payments over several instalments.
How did you hear about me?
I found you by searching online.
Another health/wellness professional recommended you to me.
A friend or family member told me about you.
I saw you on TV.
I heard about you on the radio, in a newspaper or magazine.
Other (please specify below)
Do you give permission for me to privately and securely store your information so your enquiry can be fulfilled?
If you disagree, I won't be able to follow up with you about the programme. Read about how I handle data in the Privacy Policy (link below).
Yes, I agree.
No, do not contact me.
Would you like to be added to my email list, you'll get recipes and meal ideas for free!
Yes, please!
No, thanks!